Early Years
Our Early Years department is comprised of Nursery and Reception.
The main point of entry for both cohorts is September.
Our Nursery provision is flexible as we offer up to 30 hours for pupils, with parents and carers opting for specified sessions, subject to spaces and in line with our admission policy. We can accommodate up to 26 pupils at 30 hours and between 26 and 52 pupils from 15 to 30 hours.
In Reception, children stay all day.
Our Team:
Early Years Leader/Reception Teacher
Mrs Kate Rogers
Nursery Manager
Mrs Vicky Walsh
Deputy Early Years Leader/Reception Teacher
Mrs Sarah Ellerbeck |
Early Years Teaching Assistants
Miss Helen Jones Mrs Jess King Mrs Julie Lovell Miss Lindsey Halls |
Key persons:
Your child's class teacher is also known as his/her key person. They are responsible for ensuring every child's learning and care is tailored to meet their individual needs. The key person will engage and support parents and/or carers in guiding their child's development at home. They can also identify and discuss how families can engage with specialist support, if appropriate. The key persons (class teachers) are supported by teaching assistants and other adults in developing a personalised, appropriate and challenging curriculum to all learners.
Life in EYFS
Nursery and Reception have separate areas that are linked by a communal outside play space. Reception is made up of two classes (each with their own class area) but all in one room.
In Reception, all teachers and teaching assistants work across both classes and with different groups and individuals. Sometimes Nursery and Reception classes mix for play or intervention opportunities.
At drop off time, pupils come in through the gates and walk into class independently.
Children will need: a water bottle, a snack for morning break (fresh or dried fruit or vegetable only), a book bag, a suitable coat, a change of shoes for indoor/outdoor learning (we recommend trainers for outdoor as they are good for running and climbing. Unless your child can tie shoe laces, we do ask for Velcro shoes).
All items of clothing and equipment must be clearly named.
Each child has a drawer and a peg with bench space for their equipment. They can identify this through their name or with their picture.
We will send home story packs, nursery rhymes or picture books to share. As children progress through the EYFS, we will send home sounds, word lists and reading books. Your child will have a reading record for you to record their reading progress at home and for staff to record reading sessions in school.
We aim to hold a meeting in September to support you and your child with reading and learning at home.
At the start of the year, life in EYFS is tiring! A good bedtime is key to supporting your child after a session in school.
How can you contribute to your child's learning journey?
All the fun activities that you do with your child at home are important in supporting their learning and development, and have a really long lasting effect on your child’s learning as they progress through school. Talking to them helps them learn and understand new words and ideas. If you make the time everyday to do some of the following things with your child it will make a real difference to their confidence as a learner. Your knowledge about your child’s learning and development is hugely important, we need to work together to ensure your child achieves their best, so please do let us know about what your child does with you.
Here you will find copies of documents you can complete to share your child's interests and achievements with us. These will be included in their learning journey.
Information about your child's interests
Parents comment for Learning Journey form
Don't forget that WOW! cards are also available - please ask for more if you run out.
It is helpful if before your child starts school they can use the toilet and wash their hands but please do let us know if they need any support or assistance.
Our motto is "no question is a silly question!" If there is something you would like to know or clarify, please email admin@rogerdeclare.herts.sch.uk and we will endeavour to answer you as soon as we can.