Roger de Clare

Roger de Clare

C. of E. First School and Nursery

Maximum achievement for all in a happy, caring and Christian environment

Station Road, Puckeridge, Ware, Hertfordshire SG11 1TF

01920 821363



What is a Governor?

School Governors are members of the local community who have been nominated or elected to the governing body. Their term of office runs for four years.

The role of the Governor has become central to the school. They are involved in monitoring and overseeing the curriculum, ensuring that the building is maintained and monitoring the financial management of the school. The Headteacher is the day to day manager of the school. The Governors support and advise the Headteacher and staff and represent the interests of the community.


A message from the Governors of Roger de Clare C. of E. First School and Nursery

As Governors at Roger de Clare First School and Nursery we work with the school to uphold the vision of securing the best possible outcomes for every child. Our aim for all children is 'maximum achievement for all in a happy, caring and Christian environment'.

We are committed to being a learning community, where all members love to learn. We aim to create an environment for learning which will encourage all children and staff to achieve the highest possible standards through the provision of a broad, balanced and creative curriculum, high expectations, positive feedback and through committed, enthusiastic and effective teaching.

At Roger de Clare, we believe that diversity is a strength which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, teach and visit here and therefore are committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for staff, pupils and all those receiving services from the school irrespective of gender, race or disability.

We will work hard to help children to develop into confident, responsible and caring adults through clearly articulated parameters and in an atmosphere of understanding and mutual respect. We will promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and in society, and prepare pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.

For further details about our approach to equality and diversity, please see our equality scheme and action plan on the policies page.




Governors - information, interests and attendance





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