In Years 3 and 4 (lower Key Stage 2), children continue to follow the National Curriculum (2014) covering subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science, RE, Computing, Geography, History, Art and Design, Design and Technology, Music and PE. Learning a modern foreign language is also a statutory element of the curriculum from Year 3. At Roger de Clare, our children learn French.
Whilst all of these subjects have a discrete lesson during the week, we seek as many opportunities as possible to ensure that we can make cross-curricular links.
PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Education) is no longer a statutory element of the National Curriculum but as a school we continue to include topics in our curriculum provision. This area of study also includes Relationships Education which is a statutory element.
We also include wellbeing sessions on growth mindset, mindfulness, woodland wonder and courageous advocacy.
Please look at the curriculum maps for information about how each subject is mapped across the school and the progression learning.